Campus Placement 2019-20

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Event NameMNDC Campus Placement
Organized byPlacement Cell of Mahatma Night Degree College of Arts and Commerce, Chembur.
Duration of EventOne day, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Day, Date & TimeTuesday 4th February, 2020 Time 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
VenueGround floor multipurpose hall and class rooms of Chembur Campus of Mahatma Education Society’s Mahatma Night Degree College of Arts and Commerce, Chembur, Mumbai - 51
Objective of eventTo provide job opportunities to students and alumni of Mahatma Night Degree College of Arts and Commerce, Chembur Mumbai.
Company Names
  1. Aishwarya Financial Consultants, Wadala

  2. Pillai HOC College of Arts Commerce and Science, Rasayani

Event TypeOffline event in the college campus.
RegistrationRegistration was free for all candidates. The MNDC Campus Placement was open to students and alumni of MNDC only.
MNDC Campus Placement Organizers​​ MNDC Placement Cell
Principal Dr. Padma Rangan
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lata Krishnan (Incharge of Placement Cell)
Asst. Prof. Dr. Eknath Zhrekar
Asst. Prof. Dr. Anaya Markandeya
Asst. Prof. Tushar Pawar
Asst. Prof. Harsh Shukla
Ms. Parveen Arif
10 Student volunteers from S.Y.B.Com
Number of BeneficiariesCompany Participants - 2
Students Participants - 52
Offer Letters issued by companies - 9

The student volunteers, with the help of support staff, set up the interview desks in the campus as per floor plan.

Students and alumni registered for the MNDC Campus Placement 4th February, 2020. The Company List put up contained all the information a student participant required to participate in the campus placement. At a glance they could select the company and know exactly where to go for the interview. The registration desk also registered the company participants who reported for the event.

Principal Dr. Padma Rangan welcomed the Company Representatives, students and alumni for the MNDC Campus Placement. In her opening remarks she spoke about the objective of the event. She explained that this event was focused at providing job opportunities for the students and alumni of the college. She made a reference of the MNDC Placement mela that was a best practice of the college which was a mega event open for the students and alumni of the college and all other college students in Mumbai city and beyond. She said, the MNDC Placement Mela held on 1st February, 2020 was a grand success.

The air was filled with excitement and anticipation, hustle and bustle as students and company representatives. All the company desks were busy with students being interviewed. Chairs were arranged for students to sit and wait for their turn to be interviewed. Of the 2 companies invited, 2 reported, 52 students registered and participated in the job fair. 9 students received offer letters from the companies.

Company representatives made presentations explaining job vacancies, nature of work, name address / location of company and salary offerings. Students carried their biodata /curriculum vitae and visited the companies they were interested in working for. Interviews were conducted at company desks. Selected candidates were issued offer letters. Students selected by companies informed the college Placement Cell and their name and company name was announced. A copy of their offer letter was filed with the MNDC Placement Cell.

Responsibility of MNDC Placement Cell

The companies visited the MNDC Campus Placement 4-2-2020 FREE of cost. The organizers did not pay the company for participating, however they provided them desk space for conducting interviews and a place to put up their company banner. Mahatma Night Degree College provided the company representatives with drinking water, tea, snacks and lunch as they were on campus from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.