Alegria 2k18

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Mr. Vivek Gupta the illuminati of Mahatma Night Degree college he is the sports and cultural incharge of Mahatma Education Society Chembur, He is also the organiser of Talentmania the soul of art the intercollegiate fest which was held on 6th, 7th and 10th January 2018, There were more then 16 events all the winners were awarded by cash prize, Trophy, certificate and many more excited gift’s more then 50 colleges had participated in this event and Vivek had managed this event by including 7 head committees, Overall the event was fantastic and Vivek was awarded as the best event marketing and management.

Mr. Franav Pillai (Deputy C.E.O. of Mahatma Education Society) had given a great chance to Vivek by appointing him from 1st – 10th February, 2018 for the event Alegria the festival of joy it was the wonderful opportunity for Vivek because due to this he get a chance to share his thoughts and to gain more knowledge about event management by interacting with the head committee members of Alegria, Vivek had put 100% of his strength to gain information regarded to time management and etc about this event more then 200 participants were entered in this event due to Vivek and he has get the luckiest chance to receive the best college incharge award 2018 by Dr. Daphne Pillai (Secretary and Chairperson Management board of Mahatma Education Society) this all was possible only with the support of Dr. K. M. Vasudevan Pillai (Chairman and C.E.O. of Mahatma Education Society).