Blood Donation Camp 2018-19

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NSS Unit of Mahatma Night Degree College organised blood donation camp on 21st December, 2018 in association with J. J. Mahanagar Blood Bank. The timing of the camp was from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. In order to create awareness about blood donation NSS volunteers along with Asst. Prof. Harsh Shukla conducted a rally in the Sidhharth colony and performed the street play. Total 130 participants came for the blood donation while 61 volunteers were able to donate blood. Other participants were rejected because of less weight, low Haemoglobin and in adequate blood pressure. PRO of J. J. Mahanagar Blood Bank gave a appreciation certificate and momento to Dr. Padma Ragan. Each blood donor were given a certificate and a donor card which can be used by them during urgent blood requirement in any government blood bank within Maharashtra. Each Blood donor were given snacks after the blood donation. Group photographs were taken after the completion of the camp.